The cabin’s/lodge’s scheme of board and batton siding might surprise some, as board and batten is the underdog of siding systems, requires regular maintenance, and does little to insulate...Read More
In another gorgeous natural water drop, one might imagine the horns of an animal or other mystical creature. Filmed at Falling Water near the Victory Lodge in central Pennsylvania on 3.25.16. &...Read More
Striking is observation of the sun as it peers through the clouds as it rolls over the highlands, an achievement only observable from an elevation such as this.The is the view from in front of the Vic...Read More
Exquisite environmental landscape of running creek water over moss in central Pennsylvania. Filmed at Falling Water near the Victory Lodge on 3.25.16....Read More
This gorgeous natural staircase array is just a short walk away from the cabin. Filmed at Falling Water near the Victory Lodge in central Pennsylvania on 3.25.16....Read More
Five white-tailed deer discovered in this Central Pennsylvania mountain top wood pile time-lapse. Captured March 25, 2016. Victory Brothers Outdoors....Read More
This 100+ year old stone wall was likely built by farmers to fence cattle. It remains in amazing condition and much like its original construction. The wall was built without mortar with tens of thous...Read More
Even night time at the Victory Lodge in central Pennsylvania is picturesque. Listen for unusually lurid cracklings of the wood in the stove. This video was taken on Thursday March 24, 2016, shortly af...Read More